Monday, April 11, 2005

The Chef

Monday, April 11, 2005, 10:10pm
Sunny, windy, warm…perfect spring day

The Chef

Not for the uncommitted
It takes planning
Inspired by Julia, Jacques and Michael

What could be an exceptional meal?
Where will all the ingredients be secured?
Will the guests enjoy the effort?

Create the list
Do the shopping
Plan the timeline

Dice the vegetables
Clean as you go
Timing is everything

Rushing to prepare
Prepare for arrivals
Arrivals have cocktails and the wait begins

The smells grow
The time nears
The call goes out to gather at the table

The ohhhhh’s start
The ahhhhh’s continue
Bravo, bravo to the Chef of the evening!

Dessert is history
The last guest leaves
The clean-up is finished

Exhausted, the Chef retires
Drifting off to sleep
But just before departure, asks one more time:

“Was it okay?”

Yes, it was wonderful.

Dreaming sweeps in, the master Chef joins
The perfect kitchen, with the perfect ingredients
And the perfect meal


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